BondLink issuers know firsthand how investing in investor outreach can help lower overall borrowing costs, and a few basis points can make a big difference. Use our savings calculator to see the potential effect BondLink could have on your next offering.
“Research shows that better, more accessible disclosure can lead to lower bond yields for issuers and lower trading costs for investors.”
Christine Cuny
Assisant Prof of Accounting, NYU, Stern School of Business

Calculate the Potential Impact of Investor Outreach

30 years
Basis Points Saved:
Your savings would be…
…which would equal the average annual state & local expenditures for:

Public school costs for


Health & Hospital spending for


Highway expenses for

icon-highwayCreated with Sketch.


Fire Department coverage for


This calculator is designed to be an informational and educational tool only, and does not constitute investment or borrowing advice. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a financial services professional before making any type of investment or assumption about what BondLink may actually save you. This calculator is provided as a very rough and purely hypothetical approximation of future financial performance based on the values that you input. BondLink is not responsible for the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon or as a result of the information provided by this tool. BondLink is not responsible for any human or mechanical errors or omissions. For further information, please read our Terms of Service.