To build a successful investor relations program, you need to strengthen your relationship with existing investors while also expanding your investor base. BondLink provides the tools you need to reach new and existing investors so you can tell your story and stand out in a crowded market, and our investor network ensures you have an audience from Day 1.
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Tell your story with modern, turn-key issuer websites

To build a successful investor relations program, you need to strengthen your relationship with existing investors while also expanding your investor base. BondLink provides the tools you need to reach new and existing investors so you can tell your story and stand out in a crowded market, and our investor network ensures you have an audience from Day 1.

Tell your story with modern, turn-key issuer websites

Your BondLink issuer website is the foundation of your investor relations program. BondLink websites are turn-key, so you don't need extra technical resources to get up and running or maintain the site. Your IR site is where investors will find all the information they need to do their research, from an overview of your Finance team and annual reports for the past five years, to updates on previously funded projects and MSRB-required disclosure documents. Investors that follow your site will be alerted when you post new documents or events to your site, so you can stay top of mind even when you don't have an imminent sale.

Track investor activity and engagement

Investor Activity reveals who is engaging with your investor relations content and how they are doing so. These insights are delivered at the individual level and across your investor base. Issuers can use Investor Activity to learn which investors are the most engaged with their content, develop lists and conduct outreach based on an action taken (such as sending an email to all investors who viewed a digital roadshow), and download a list of investors who have interacted with your website. You can then share this information with your underwriter to capture all possible demand around a bond sale.

POS/OS Printing

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Engage investors with native investor outreach tools

After your website is launched and you’ve uploaded valuable information to share with investors, take your investor relations program to the next level by targeted communication to investors. BondLink tracks investor activity so you can see who is downloading your POS, revisiting past annual reports, and watching your virtual roadshow presentations. You can then take that data and use it to proactively reach out to investors. BondLink’s investor outreach tool allows you to filter investors by their activity on your page and send emails right through the tool. You can also download investor lists to share with your underwriter so they can conduct outreach around a bond sale.

ESG Program Support

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Dedicated Issuer Success Team

Nullam condimentum luctus nulla at auctor. Quisque accumsan gravida lobortis. Suspendisse rutrum, erat quis mattis accumsan, tellus nulla sollicitudin ante, eget ornare nisl nibh non ex.

See How BondLink Can Work For You